Iros Barozzi

Imperial College Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer - In silico lab main supervisor
Dr. Barozzi is a computational biologist interested in regulatory genomics. He combines integrative analytical approaches with machine learning to investigate the role of the non-coding genome in embryonic development and in the onset and progression of hormone-dependent tumours. He is currently using single-cell transcriptomics and epigenetic profiling to study the role of transcriptional heterogeneity in drug-resistant luminal breast cancers. He si also ELIXIR-UK member.
Valentina Caputo

Imperial College Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology and Inflammation - Wet lab main supervisor
Dr. Caputo is focused on the study of epigenetic mechanisms in human disease and the development of epigenetic therapeutic approaches. Her particular interest is in investigating the molecular mechanisms by which nuclear architecture, transcriptional regulation and epigenetics can be causative of a disease phenotype and how this can be targeted for therapy of human disorders.
Diletta Dolfini

Assistant Professor of Genetics, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan
Dr. Dolfini is focused on investigating the molecular mechanisms by which transcription factor isoforms regulate different expression programs in cancer cells. With the aim to better define the identity of cancer, she is involved in integration of computational analysis and genome editing techniques to understand the involvement of transcription factor isoforms in regulation of different transcriptional processes and cancer signatures.
Roberto Mantovani

Professor of Genetics, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan
Prof. Mantovani’s major focus has been on dissection of the molecular mechanisms leading to transcriptional regulation. In particular his lab is focused on three topics: Structure-function of the CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y, Identification of genomic targets of p63, a p53 homologue that is crucial in the development and maintenanceof multi-layered epithelia, and Development of assays to study small compounds that interfere with transcriptional regulation.
Pavel Ostašov

Postdoctoral researcher, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
Dr. Ostašov studies cell-to-cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. He is an expert in the single cells picking from the tissue samples using microscopy (flourescence and confocal) and bioanalyst of NGS datasets. He si also ELIXIR-CZ member.
Pavel Pitule

Postdoctoral researcher, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
Dr. Pitule studies rare cells like CTCs and immune cells in the tumour environment and their role for the tumor development. His main interest is alternative splicing role in the tumor progression and chemoresistance. He is a part of the team developing therapeutic antibodies in cancer.
Alexandra Poos

Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Marc Raab, Department of Internal Medicine V, Section Multiple Myeloma, University Hospital Heidelberg
Dr. Poos is interested in the study of the inter- and intratumor heterogeneity of multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Using an integrative analysis consisting of single cell gene expression and chromatin accessibility data as well as bulk RNA-seq and whole genome sequencing, we explore the clonal heterogeneity of the patients, identify marker genes that change their expression or chromatin state upon treatment and study the underlying regulatory mechanisms by constructing gene regulatory networks.
Lucas Schirmer

Assistant Professor in Neurology, Department of Neurology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences, University of Heidelberg
Dr. Schirmer is a physician-scientist focusing on neurobiological mechanisms in progressive neuroinflammation, such as multiple sclerosis. Work in his lab combines a broad spectrum of methods like single-cell genomics, experimental models and human pathology in a synergistic way. His lab has a major interest in studying cell-type specific disease mechanisms with an emphasis on neuron subtype pathology and reactive immune and glial cell types.
Ewa Szczurek

Assistant Professor, Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw
Dr. Szczurek is interested in computational biology with focus on computational oncology, statistical data analysis and machine learning. Her work is currently focused on drawing the genealogical trees of tumors, working out the bottleneck of metastasis initiation, studying cellular signaling pathways, understanding and prediction of drugs work on cancer cell lines, analyzing phenomenon of synthetic lethality between cancer genes, and also deep learning algorithms for pathologists.
Marcin Tabaka

Group leader of the Laboratory of Single Cell Genomics, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Dr. Tabaka focus primarily on developing application of high-throughput single-cell technologies in the areas of tissue regeneration, immunology and cancer. His lab interest is in combining and leveraging approaches from statistics, statistical physics, and computer science to gain molecular insights into developmental trajectories, gene regulatory networks, and intercellular communication that maintain cellular states or drive cellular transitions in complex systems of mammalian tissues.
Stephan Tirier

Postdoctoral researcher, Division of Chromatin Networks of Prof. Dr. Karsten Rippe, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
Dr. Tirier is interested in understanding tumor cell heterogeneity in solid tumors and hematopoietic malignancies using single cell (epi)genomics and its applications in translational/clinical research, single cell analysis at the interface between genomics and imaging and methods for spatially resolved analysis of gene expression.
Lucie Vištejnová

Group leader of the Laboratory of Cellular Regenerative Medicine, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
Dr. Vištejnová’s work is multidisciplinary. She worked in past at R&D of biotechnological company and participated on development of wound healing medical devices. In Biomedical Center she runs several preclinical projects focused on development of bone tissue replacements and wound healing medical devices. Recently, she began to focus on new topic of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis which still offers the space for basic research and discoveries.