Monika Holubová

Group leader of the Laboratory of Tumor Biology and Immunotherapy, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
Dr. Holubová main interest is study of immune and cancer cells interactions. She is responsible for the translation research and development of the new immunotherapeutic approaches for the hematological disorders and immune dysregulation. She is an expert in flow cytometry and cell sorting including single cells isolation.
Lucie Houdová

Group leader of the Clinical decision support lab of European Centre of Excellence NTIS, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia
Dr. Houdová main interest is research of IT tools for applications of personalized and precise medicine, primarily focused on the area of hematology and oncology. She is experienced in data analysis, methods and information systems design, computer modeling for decision support in medicine and technical practice. Currently, she is vice-chairman of the ELIXIR CZ Board (European Life-Science Infrastructure for Biological Information – Czech node).
Miroslava Čedíková

Post-doc researcher in Biomedical Center and Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
Dr. Čedíková is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and is a main supervisor of pre-graduate students. She is a member of e-learning working party. Her research interest is focused on stem and immune cells.